Lunchtime at the sanctuary might be the most peaceful time of day. The chimpanzees have settled down from the morning excitement, and are usually grooming one another or playing quietly when we bring out the lunch tray.
This afternoon’s lunch included some cucumbers and tomatoes straight from the sanctuary’s vegetable garden, lovingly maintained by volunteer caregiver Denice. Everything tastes better when it’s garden fresh…
Fresh veggies are wonderful!!
I believe I could watch photos of the chimps eating all day long. But this video had a great camera point of view with an entirely new perspective, thanks for that! Very cool. Those veggies look and sound scrumptious. (I Love the way they always rub their noses too.)
Great video. I especially loved Burrito? ? waiting at the window until 2, 3, 4 pieces came through. What were you thinking, Denice ?? Surely you know one isn’t enough! 🙂
Do you freeze any of the produce for the winter? Or, likely, you have nothing left by season’s end. Is that when the local stores donate produce? Generous folks indeed.
Hi Francoise. Yes, the stores donate year round, which is great since we can’t rely on the garden through the winter. We do freeze what we can, but we only have one modestly-sized freezer so there’s limited space.