It’s difficult to catch Missy in an action shot because she moves so fast.
It’s even harder to catch Negra in an action shot because…well, she’s just not very active. But even temperatures in the high 90’s couldn’t stop Negra from parkouring her way through Young’s Hill, troll in hand, to grab some broccoli and cauliflower during today’s lunch forage.
Foxie has been holding on to a new troll with its purple hair still intact. She treasures these while they last (Jamie and Jody usually rip the hair out).
Speaking of hair, a lot of people have trouble telling Annie and Foxie apart, so here’s a good side-by-side shot to help you out. Annie looks like someone just rubbed a balloon on her head. Not unlike a troll doll, come to think of it.
And Burrito has been showing off a bit more of his physique, thanks to his recent exam. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t build muscle on a diet of fruits and vegetables. Your results may vary, however, unless you also stick to Burrito’s daily workout routine that includes leaping, swinging, and banging on everything in sight as you terrify everyone around you in a formidable dominance display and then running for your life as six angry girls chase after you.
tammie lynch says
This was a great post!! Made me laugh!
Jackie says
Loved the post! Poor Burrito, outnumbered by the ladies.
Julie says
Wonderful post! 6 angry females would be truly terrifying.
Kathleen says
J.B. you kill me! I will admit, I had to Google “parkouring”! Not a word I would have ever connected to Ms. Negra. She does look like a rock star running across that log however. Way to go Negra! And it is good to know that it is Jody and Jamie who rip the hair out of the Foxie’s trolls — interesting indeed! But the shot of of Bed Head Annie next to Foxie is hysterical! Seriously! I love the way Annie rocks her bed head and even better than Annie, I love Burrito’s little curls on both shoulders, better than bed head any day! Whispy Burrito, so sweet. Can’t imagine poor Burrito being the only male with 6 women — it’s just wrong. Poor chap, can’t blame him for banging on everything. I hope the ladies are impressed with his displays, it’s his right of passage! Life is so silly at CSNW! I love it.
Stephanie says
A great post!
lynn says
love the photo of Annie and Fox side by side. They are so beautiful.
lynn says
Oh, and nice pecs B!!!! What a hunk.
Tiki Kim (Forwood) says
fun and bits and beautiful photos 🙂 the girls do look alot alike side by side. they have different noses as well as hair styles 🙂
i LOVED this post…troll dolls for all.