The chimpanzees are ultra low-key today. They have all spent the day relaxing this warm summer day and most everyone has been tucked away in their nests or out exploring Young’s Hill. On these kind of days it can be tough work for the paparazzi to get any photos, so one has to loiter in the hopes of getting anything. But eventually a few of the ladies were willing to oblige.
Jody, enjoying a relaxing moment in the greenhouse.
Foxie was having fun running back and forth from the spigot to me with mouthfuls of water and getting pretty excited about me anticipating being spat upon (as is evidenced by her hair being pilo-erect). This is a favorite game of hers and though she didn’t spit any at me she does a pretty good job making you think she might. Which is, I’m sure, half the fun.
And the beautiful Missy.
Is that a wound/sore on Foxie’s left shoulder? Hopefully not.
Great photos of their wonderful faces.
Hi Sherry, yes Foxie does have a superficial scrape on her shoulder. Chimpanzees tend to groom their own or each others’ wounds which actually helps them heal, though sometimes it can make them look worse than they are. It’s healing up nicely though. 🙂
Fabulous pictures!
Such lovely ladies!
The look on Foxie’s face tells it all. Such joy in her eyes.
I love to study their faces. Jody’s photos are beautiful and she looks so peaceful and comfortable and relaxed. I would have never have recognized Foxie! She looks so funny with her mouthful of water, I am bald she was a little bit of fun with you, she’s come a long way. And Missy, I think she is lovely. With that said, I noticed the bare patches on Jody’s arms, Foxie’s wound on her left shoulder and is that a hole in Missy’s right ear?! (I never noticed this before, is it new?!) There is a story behind each of these I am sure.
Hi Kathleen, good observations! Yes, Jody’s bare patches are a result of over-grooming, a not uncommon behavior with captive chimpanzees. You may have seen my response about Foxie’s wound – it’s a superficial scrape that we aren’t sure how she got, but it’s healing up well – just looks worse than it is sometimes due to her and the other chimps grooming it (which actually helps keep it clean and healing). And Missy’s ear notch – she arrived here with that and we aren’t sure how she received it. Most of the chimpanzees have knicks, notches, and missing toes/fingers of some sort from their previous lives and even fights here. They are so tough and resilient, for which we are grateful.