Burrito continues to recover from a dental procedure he had this past Friday. He was reunited with the ladies yesterday and this morning he greeted caregivers and staff with foot stomps and head nods and initiated a few rounds of chase. He’s not quite at full speed yet, but as the hours tick away, he’s recovering more and more.
Love and attention from a good friend like Foxie sure seems to help the process. Foxie spent a good part of this morning grooming Burrito, while he sat relaxing on the deck in the Greenhouse. And all of that relaxation allowed for him to spend quite a bit of time foraging for lunch on Young’s Hill, longer than any of the other chimps in fact. Perhaps it was the roasted sweet potatoes and apples that kept him on the hill for so long.
So good to Mr. B getting back to his silly self!
I hope, in some way, Burrito feels the love from all the people who care about him so much, I like to think he does.
Mr. B is such a sweet soul, and it’s wonderful to see him making a good recovery!
I think Burrito looks a little pooped out in his photos. Don’t’ get me wrong, I think he looks wonderful and I’ve been so very worried about him. These photos put my mind at ease. But is it me or does his mouth and ‘muzzle’ look swollen just a tiny bit or it somehow looks a tad ‘off’. It is amazing to see him up and about after such extreme surgery. Burrito is one tough fellow. I wonder what he thinks of his missing teeth?!
Burrito has loving care all around him, from the other chimps and from all of you — his amazing caregivers. He has a very large and loving family now, what a lucky boy!
He’s so wonderful and handsome. I hope he’s all better now. Love you Mr B!