One of the unfortunate aftereffects of the anesthetic drugs Burrito received for his exam last Friday is that his stomach has been a little upset. For a guy who normally loves food above all else, this is the ultimate cruelty.
Luckily for Burrito, and for all of us who love to watch him love his food, his nausea seems to have all but disappeared. Here he is enjoying his lunch this afternoon. Turn your volume up and listen for his periodic low moans of contentment.
I am so happy to hear that Burrito is feeling better and enjoying his food again.
Thank you for taking such good care of Burrito and the rest of the beloved chimps.
I love to see Burrito enjoy his food. He doesn’t ask for much to make him happy. So glad he is better.
Wonderful video! I so enjoy watching him enjoy his food – glad he’s feeling better. He’s such a loveable character? ????
This is the first time that you have separated and put any of them under gas, did they react any differently towards you.
So happy to see that the handsome Burrito is feeling better. Thank you for the wonderful care you give him and the rest of the chimps.
This video and the news that Burrito is getting back to his old self makes me so happy. Thank you for the heartwarming video and for making sure all the chimps are well taken care of:)
Oh Thank You Elizabeth for this video. So nice to see Burrito looking A-O-Kay and enjoying his yummy, crunchy carrots. (Am I imagining it or does it seem as if he is favoring the right side of his mouth most of time while chewing?!) I have been so worried about him, poor chap. This video has made me feel so much better. Burrito is such a lucky chimp to be in your care!
Oh my goodness, I love to watch Burrito eat, one would NEVER know he was suffering from any recent dental extraction, THANK YOU for SHARING such a lovely video of my favorite American MALE Chimpanzee, Burrito is an absolute Joy to us all who support you,
thank you again for providing all the chimps with the best of everything ,
B-man has certainly developed into such a fine young man,