Jamie woke up on the wrong side of the nest this morning. From the moment we arrived at the chimp house and greeted the chimpanzees, it was clear that Jamie was feeling a little cranky. This isn’t terribly unusual, and we caregivers know to just give Jamie her space for a little bit until her mood brightens.
Once the chimps got some breakfast in their bellies, Jamie’s mood did brighten. By late morning, she was feeling a lot more mellow. Keri snapped these photos of Jamie in a quiet moment with one of her boots.
I love her. Thank you for the pictures. I wish I was that photogenic. She is gorgeous.
a nice boot always makes things better…..
Jamie knows how to pose perfectly for the camera. lovely PIX.
Is it possible that Jamie gets low blood sugar which contributes to her crankiness? I get cranky when my blood sugars is low. just a thought.