I took this photo of Missy a few nights ago when she had joined Jamie for some “after hours” walking around the hill. I was trying to figure out why I love the photo so much (aside from the obvious cuteness of Missy from behind).
Today, while on another walk, I think I figured it out – it reminds me of a photo we took a few months after the chimpanzees arrived during a big rainstorm. It was before there was a Young’s Hill and before there were greenhouse panels covering their original “outdoor area” that we now call the greenhouse. The outdoors and the elements were a whole new experience for all of the chimps, and, without the greenhouse roof that exists now, the rain was pouring into this area.
Chimpanzees don’t tend to appreciate getting wet, and all of the chimps stayed indoors for most of the storm, but curiosity soon got the best of Missy, Annie, and Jamie. Missy was first to look out the door into the still dripping outside world:
At the time, I remember how thrilled J.B. and I were that the chimpanzees were experiencing something brand new. We were thrilled that they were able to gather the courage to follow their curiosity. And we knew that this was just one new experience in a whole line of new experiences they would be facing.
Still, I had no idea exactly what was to come into their lives, thanks to Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest supporters. I had no idea that Missy would embrace the two-acre outdoor habitat that was just beginning to be a kernel of an idea for the future.
I had no idea that six and half years later, Missy would run with glee across the 2-acres everyday:
Exploring her territory:
Satisfying her curiosity:
I can’t wait to see what Missy and her six friends get to experience next, and what the next six and a half years will bring to the sanctuary.
Wonderful! I wish all the beautiful chimps and their wonderful, caring humans many happy days to come!
I LOVE this post!! So beautiful…
It is so exciting to think of what may come their way I could just burst! I feel a little like Missy, teetering on the edge, waiting for the magic to happen! You make magic happen.
Just wonderful