Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by Eric Dodge in memory of Leonard Nimoy. Eric has been a long time supporter of chimpanzees and a friend to the Cle Elum 7 for many years. And today he wanted to make a difference for them while honoring the many contributions of Mr. Nimoy.
As many of you are probably aware, Leonard Nimoy, perhaps best known for his role as Spock on “Star Trek,” passed away on February 27th. As an actor, director, writer, musician and artist, Mr. Nimoy leaves a lifetime of accomplishment in the arts and humanities and used his position from a creative, progressive and inclusive standpoint, often at a time when social issues were not directly addressed.
In honoring Leonard Nimoy’s many contributions in life, Eric also aptly noted the worldwide appeal of his character, Spock, to so many of us who struggle to fit into our communities. This brings to mind the chimpanzees who, having been raised in captivity, in some cases to include human homes, often find themselves struggling with a cultural identity of their own.
While nothing replaces the natural lives the chimpanzees were meant to live with their families, we are so grateful that they can now spend their days in a sanctuary all their own, finally getting to call the shots and be loved and cared for as the unique individuals they are. Every day we see how life in sanctuary allows them to more easily integrate their conflicting natures and just be themselves. Whatever that means to each of them.
Eric, thanks so much for thinking of the chimpanzees and continuing to make a difference in their lives!
Jamie looking over Young’s Hill:
Jamie, Foxie, and Dora:
As a lifetime ‘trekkie’ I can’t think of a cooler tribute. LLAP