Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by Arlene and Michael in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary! The paths our lives take and the effect we can have on one another never ceases to amaze me. I am guessing that 25 years ago Arlene and Michael didn’t imagine they’d be celebrating this special anniversary with chimpanzees, or making a difference in the chimps’ lives by doing so. But we’re so grateful for all the amazing people and things life brings the chimps’ way every day.
Arlene and Michael, thank you so much for including the chimpanzees in your special day. We hope your day is full of all that you most love and enjoy. Happy Anniversary!
Foxie and Troll love:
Happy Anniversary to Arlene and Michael! Thank you for sharing your special day with the wonderful chimps!
Thanks so much for the good wishes. The beautiful picture of Foxie and the troll doll makes me so happy:) Maybe I’m a bit sentimental today but that picture put a (happy) tear in my eye. I love these chimps. They are so innocent. We are proud to share our special day with the chimps and hope that everyone at the Sanctuary had a happy day too!
Hi Arlene,
So glad to hear you and Michael enjoyed your special day! The chimpanzees seem to be enjoying these spring days with new found abandon. Thank you so much for caring about them!