Today is a gorgeous spring day with clear skies, the temperature is in the mid-60s, and everyone is in a great mood. It seemed like a great day for a picnic, so we set up a forage outside and everyone—including fair-weather gal Negra—ventured out for their lunch.
When they’re not outside, the chimps have been relaxing in the greenhouse mostly, but Jamie popped into the front rooms to get a good look out the window to see what JB and Diana’s dogs were up to (they’re enjoying the weather, too!)
I was able to take some photos of the boss in this calm moment. She was happy to let me do so, as long as I promised to show her the photos afterwards. She watched as I flipped through the photos on the camera screen—I took a couple dozen, at least! Once she was satisfied she returned to the greenhouse.
These are the best photos out of the bunch that I took:
Great photos. I love that she likes to look at them after. ????
Look out New York we have a new model
That is exactly what I was thinking. She is such a poser. Watch out New York, here comes Jamie.
Great pictures! Lovely lady!
Happy to hear everyone made it out on the Hill today, even Negra! If I could look lovely in every photo like Jamie does, I’d be happy with the results too. Fabulous pics. She looks so relaxed and pleased with herself.
Glad you mentioned “the dogs”. I have always wondered what the chimps thought of the dogs and if they ever get to see each other, even if only from afar! What do the chimps think of the dogs AND what do the dogs think of seeing 7 chimps!?! I would love to know.
The dogs have not gotten close to the chimp enclosure – but from the house Abbey and Wilson can see the chimps if they’re out on the hill, and they bark at them. The chimps don’t seem to react or care too much. They’ve seen dogs before, so they don’t seem at all alarmed. You should check out this post from really early on which shows Foxie trying to play with (and also threaten) Honey B:
Thank you Debbi, I love that video!! Love the troll toss, too funny. Also very funny to actually see Foxie displaying in action and funny to hear her clomping along the deck. She moves so quickly! Honey B didn’t appear to be phased at all. I can only imagine what my dog would do if she saw 7 chimps in her back yard. She would be like Foxie and display!! ; )
She is breathtaking.
Omg! I just warltched the old clip of Foxie trying to play with honey… As usual, it’s so adorable and sweet it fills my heart. Too bad honey didn’t run back and forth with her. Honey looked like she was just trying to figure out what was going on. ; ) By the way…the pics up to of Annie (I believe) are gorgeous and beautiful. Really…so beautifully done. You are an excellent photog with extraordinary subjects! Thank you SO MUCH!! Your blogs mean the world to me. I truly LOVE each one of these chimpanzees and since I cannot work in the facility or visit…this is all I have. I have land that is donatable…but no where close to you guys….so I come to this blog daily. It usually makes me cry from seeing them so happy with choices or I cry when you see them doing something that is a direct result of how they have been horribly treated…but I am so VERY thankful that people like you guys have dedicated your lives and made sacrifices in your lives to try to help make up for the horrible lives these chimps once had. You guys are true angels. I get to see Jane Goodall speak next month in Virginia….I am stoked to hear her speak. Thanks again for the pics of Annie girl and the flashback of Fox and Honey! You are a blessing to these sweet beings!
Hi Whitney, thank you so much for the kind words and your support! If you make it over to our neck of the woods this summer, we are holding pre-reserved limited public visits – we will post details on the website as it gets closer.