Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored in memory of Lois Young by her family. Lois is the grandmother of staff caregiver, Debbie, and she passed away last month at the age of 94. Lois’s family kindly requested that donations be made to local organizations, to include Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest, in her memory and they shared this message about her fascinating life:
“Lois Young was a descendant of one of Kittitas Valley’s pioneer families and was a nearly lifelong resident of the area. She had a tenacious spirit and accomplished many things in her life, including attending college as a woman during the Great Depression and graduating with a degree in chemistry. She loved to travel, and despite the fact that she lived with muscle paralysis since the 1970s, she still managed to visit all 50 states as well as Canada and Mexico. She was an active volunteer in several projects in the community, including the historical museum and the public library.
Lois was always an animal lover and her compassion was passed through the generations to her granddaughter, Debbie. She was always very proud of the work Debbie is involved in and had pictures of the chimps on her wall.”
Debbie serving Missy and Jamie oranges:
Debbie’s boss, Jamie:
To the Young-Ness, Metzler, and Moncrief families, we are so touched that you would include the chimpanzees in honoring Lois’s extraordinary life. We send you all our deepest sympathy for your loss and wish you comfort and peace as you celebrate your wonderful memories of her.
A wonderful way to honor the momory of a loved one! My deepest sympathy to Debbie and her family!
My thoughts are with you Debbie. Your Grandmother sounds as if she were an amazing woman. I can see the apple doesn’t fall far from the family tree. Hold tight to your memories, may they fill your heart with joy and help you through your loss.