If you were to diagram the relationships between the chimps at CSNW, Foxie would be the one point at the center that connects everyone together.
She is by far the best friend that Jody has. The two like to take morning walks around Young’s Hill together and play gentle tickling and wrestling games while lying on their backs. When Jody is upset, Foxie is there to comfort her.
She is one of Missy’s favorite play partners, and one of the few that can keep up with Missy’s breakneck pace.
And while she got off to a rocky start with Annie, the two have come to understand each other better in the last couple of years and these days it’s not uncommon for them to play together or spend time with each other surveying the valley below Young’s Hill.
Foxie is one of the only chimps that can get Jamie to let down her guard and play. If it weren’t for Foxie, Jamie would never get a break from being bossy. And that, frankly, wouldn’t be good for anyone.
To be Negra’s friend, you have to learn to go at her speed. Foxie can groom quietly with Negra, but she also gets Negra to let loose once and a while. She does this by inviting her to play with big, exaggerated play gestures, knowing that she has to be clear with Negra and ensure that Negra still wants to play along at every step of the way. This gentle and understanding approach has really helped Negra come out of her shell.
And I don’t know where Burrito would be without his 90-lb bodyguard. Whenever Burrito gets himself into trouble, she is there, trolls in hand, and ready to place herself in harm’s way to defend him.
Primatologists often refer to a primate’s political skills as “Machiavellian intelligence.” Chimps with a high level of Machiavellian intelligence are able to work social relationships to their advantage. They form alliances and exchange favors in an effort to climb the social ladder. If I didn’t know her better, I might think that Foxie is a Machiavellian genius, the way that she has won everyone over. But I don’t think she has a cynical or manipulative bone in her body. She just likes everyone and wants everybody to get along. And they, in turn, like her. How could you not?
Nature documentaries tend to focus on the alpha males, and in many human societies, we deify the powerful. But behind all the brash, dominant types hogging the spotlight, there’s usually someone like Foxie holding everything together.
If anyone deserves our admiration, it’s her.
Aw, JB, I’m not going to let you alone until you put your blog posts together in a book. 🙂
How and why did Foxie and Annie get off to a rocky start?
Thank you, as always, for your profound and moving posts.
Hi Amy – Early on, when Foxie and Annie tried to play together, they would end up fighting. Our best guess is that it was due to miscommunication – they both have exuberant playing styles, and I don’t think they trusted each other well enough to launch into such aggressive play. When Annie plays with Missy, she can slap her on the face, poke her in the eyes, throw her to the ground…it doesn’t matter, they both understand what’s going on. But when Annie would try to do the same with Foxie, Foxie would see it as crossing a line, and Annie didn’t know at the time to dial it back a notch. These days, they seem to trust each other more and can tailor they’re playing styles to each other.
Thanks, JB!
I am with Amy M! I too strongly believe we need an insightful Blog book by you J.B. You could presell copies on KickStarter! Sign me up!
The photo of Foxie and Annie is simply beautiful, as is the one of Foxie and Negra. For a chimpanzee to be so social and caring, it must have been extremely difficult for Foxie to exist alone in a lab cage. I am so glad Foxie has this time to shine at CSNW. Thank you for breaking down her friendships one by one. I end my my day with a new respect and admiration for dear Foxie.
(PS: I am in the middle of reading “Chimpanzee Politics” right now so the end of your post coincides nicely!)
yay Foxie! <3
What a beautiful soul Foxie has, this blog story and photos really touched my heart, thank you.
Miss Foxie does defend her dear friend Mr. B but when he is totally out of line I have seen that 90 pound friend go after him like a Tasmanian Devil. It is a sight to see, she does not give up until she has made her point with him. I wonder if this helps him stay out of trouble with the rest of the girls.
Do you think Foxie “disciplines” B when he is out of line just to save him from the other gals?
Miss you all.
Good point, Denice. She usually defends him from the other girls, but if she is wronged, she has no mercy on him. I think she just gets genuinely angry when he is being a jerk to her but, like a good friend, she doesn’t hold a grudge for very long.