The ceiling of the greenhouse is made up of long metal bars that allow the chimpanzees to brachiate (swing arm over arm), much like wild chimps swing through the trees. The chimps use these bars pretty often to move from place to place in the greenhouse. For Foxie, though, they’re more than functional – they’re fun. Foxie uses the greenhouse ceiling as her own personal playground. She climbs around upside down on all fours, and then dangles by her feet (sometimes while laughing). Today she took Dora along for the ride.

Wow, that does look like fun !!!
What Fun! It was a good day to be a Chimp!
Graphically cool looking photos. So nice to see Foxie (and Dora!) having such fun.
Sanctuary has allowed her to enjoy life…hope she has many more good years. ..
Go Foxie Go.