We haven’t really had much snow here in Central Washington this winter. This is sort of a mixed blessing for the chimps. On the one hand, the lack of snow allows them to spend more time outside during the winter, which is great. But on the other hand, snow to a chimpanzee is like an endless supply of food falling magically from the sky. And who wouldn’t want that?
Today we had the best of both worlds. We woke up to some fresh snow, which kept the chimps thoroughly enriched all morning. By afternoon, the snow was gone, and the chimps were back on the hill getting their exercise.
So that was fun. Now we’re ready for spring.
So funny that the chimps arms can just reach out to the fencing while they stay in where it is warm! Very well designed J.B., did you plan it that way! ; ) And I’m liking Jamie’s bed-head in that video. She looks like Mo of the Three Stooges (her hair that is, not Jamie herself!) Looks like another fun day at CSNW.