Today is Blue Friday, which around the Seattle area means that fans shows their support for the Seahawks by wearing their favorite blue and green Seahawks gear. Since the team will be playing in their first playoff game tomorrow night, we thought we’d join in the spirit and throw a Blue Friday party for the chimps! We had broccoli and grapes for a forage, as well as tea in blue and green champagne flutes, and watered down blue gatorade in Seahawks cups.
The party set-up:
The blue drinks were a bit hit! Everyone had a taste.
Jamie loved the table we setup with the forage and the decorations:
We’re glad we were able to throw a fun party for the chimps in the spirit of camaraderie of the pacific northwest fans. Running a sanctuary is all about teamwork, and we are lucky to have some really great fans of our own!
You should send that picture of Jamie to your local news. I bet they would love to see the spirit from the chimps.
Cheryl, one of the local news reporters tweeted about the chimps! Check it out:
There is something about a chimp holding a champagne glass that screams out “PARTY!!” Thanks for the smiles! Go Hawks (and GO CHIMPS!!).
Great party! Good luck Hawk fans!
I agree with Cheryl! Who can resist 7 chimps celebrating the Seahawks!
Caregivers, you blow my mind with your party themes. This one is fantastic. How did you come up with so many wonderful, yummy, and healthy blue and green ideas?! WIsh I was there to celebrate. ; )