This Christmas Day, we are thrilled to say, has been sponsored by so many amazingly generous people! FIVE to be exact!
Laurel Hecht has graciously chosen to make the lives of the chimpanzees better by sponsoring today, which also happens to be her birthday! We all wish the happiest of birthdays to you, Laurel, and thank you so much for your gift of sharing such a special day with the chimpanzees!
Kathleen Kemper sponsored today for Joanna Gabriel to wish her “Merry Christmas!” Kathleen shared that “Joanna has a deep love for the chimpanzees, and great admiration for their caregivers. She is so grateful that the chimps are living out their lives in such comfort after all they have been through.” Kathleen and Joanna, we are grateful for your kind words and all that you do to help the chimpanzees have the lives they deserve.
Molly Wiltshire sponsored today and shared this lovely note: “God bless you, the chimps, and the sanctuary.”
Michael Hamilton sponsored today in honor of Lucinda Almy-Hamilton and wishes her “Happy Christmas!”
And Janine Burr also sponsored today for which we are so very grateful!
We are humbled, inspired, and full of gratitude every single day by the generosity and compassion that exists in people. To each of you who sponsored this Christmas Day of sanctuary for the chimpanzees, we are immensely thankful to you for making a difference in their lives. From all of us here at CSNW, we wish you holidays filled with love, joy, peace, and comfort!
And thank so much to all of you who have helped us toward our wish for 50 new Sponsor-a-Days for 2015 – we are only 8 days away from reaching our goal! It’s such a wonderful way to honor or remember friends and loved ones, or even yourself. If you haven’t already done so, please consider heading over to our Holiday Central page to check out all the ways you can help the chimpanzees while celebrating this special season.
Please know that we are so very grateful to each and every one of you for all you do, in so many ways, to ensure that every day is a day of sanctuary for these seven amazing beings.
The Christmas festivities are getting underway so be sure to check back later today and celebrate with us!
Merry Christmas to the wonderful chimps and their kind human friends. May all of you be blessed in the new year with health, peace and much happiness!
Merry Christmas to all the chimps and caregivers and volunteers! May your day be filled with pant hoots and food squeaks!! Have a wonderful party!!