‘Tis the season for roasting and baking foods for the chimpanzees! They’ve had baked sweet potatoes almost everyday this week and they LOVE it! Food squeaks echo throughout the chimp house when they see the caramelized glaze on the potatoes. Yum! We’ve been experimenting with roasting some other foods, too, to mix things up a bit. Beets, carrots, and pears have all been a huge hit.
Today volunteer Sandra and I baked some pears with the plan to put a couple out as a forage after we cleaned the chimpanzees’ playroom. Here’s the before and after shots:
I turned off the oven well before we were done cleaning but the pears were still pretty hot when it was time to set up the forage. So we came up with a nice way to cool them off—use them as a topping on some snow!
Sandra filled bowls up with fresh snow that fell this morning and scattered bits of roasted pear on top. All the chimpanzees huddled around the door as we set up the forage, pant hooting and food squeaking with excitement.
Jamie did not hesitate in grabbing as many bowls as she possibly could. Luckily we scattered many bowls around so everyone got to have a few, but Jamie got the biggest haul. It also helped that she used a box as a collection device. She pulled her box around and added bowls to it as she went through the playroom, as a sort of shopping cart.
Once she had collected everything she could, she sat down to enjoy her snow and roasted pear snack.
Jaime is a smart girl. Glad they are getting your thoughtful treats
Can’t tell you how many of your posts make me giggle and laugh out loud. This one is no exception! Envisioning Jamie dragging around her box full of sweet delights is hysterical!! Man is she smart. Your “Snowflake Sundae with Roasted Seasonal Pears” sounds like something Martha Stewart might make. ; ) Yummy. You guys think of everything and just might be as smart as Jamie!!
Great! I loved Jamie’s shopping cart!
Clever girl!