This day of sanctuary for the chimpanzees was also sponsored by Karen Creason in honor of her wife, Margaret Parkinson, on her birthday! Karen shared this lovely message:
“For our beloved friends, The Cle Elum Seven, in recognition of my sweet wife’s birthday. May our friends have another year of peace, love, joy, food and giggles.”
Karen and Margaret have been supporters of the sanctuary from the very beginning and we couldn’t possibly love them more. They are both very special souls who advocate tirelessly for animals everywhere. Margaret is also an amazing artist who donates her beautiful work to benefit animal organizations everywhere. You may recognize Margaret’s recent painting of Burrito, which she donated to our Hoot! gala and auction last spring:
Karen, thank you so much for giving the chimpanzees a special day in honor of your (and our!) beloved Margaret. And Margaret, we hope your day is filled with food squeaks and lots of birthday cake, pant hoots with loved ones and nesting in comfort after all the celebrating! We love you both so much! Thank you for all the beauty, light and love you bring to life for so many beings. Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Margaret! Sending you lots of love! <3