It sounds strange to say, but I love it when the chimps are alarmed by something on Young’s Hill. I think they do too, in a way.
This afternoon, I went outside to see what the chimps were up to and I noticed that everyone but Negra was on the hill. Normally that wouldn’t be all that unusual, but it is very cold today and the chimps usually prefer to nap inside after lunch. Missy was pilo erect (her hair was standing on end indicating fear or excitement), and she was walking briskly back down from the top of the hill.
My guess is that Hank the Hawk was in the area. Sometimes you can’t see him but you can hear his screech echoing through the valley. I can imagine how that might put a chimpanzee on edge.
Jody was trying to keep up with Missy as she zipped back and forth across the hill.
Annie just sat there, staring into the distance.
Foxie didn’t seem to know what was going on, but she and Dora came out for backup just in case.
Burrito sat on a log just outside the greenhouse, watching all the other chimps.
After a few minutes, he retreated to the doorway, either to warm up or to keep a safe distance from whatever may have been lurking outside.
Jamie looked at me and gestured toward the building, which was her way of insisting that we grab some boots and set out on a patrol. As we headed back out, Missy took the lead.
When there’s trouble afoot, Missy likes to head to the top of the hill and stand bipedally to survey her enclosure and the rest of the valley.
I didn’t see or hear anything unusual on our patrol, and the chimps eventually seemed satisfied that everything was OK.
For now.
Julie says
Wonderful story, beautifully illustrated—Thank You!!!
Jackie says
I wonder what disturbed the chimps?
Amy Schommer says
It appears that Dora was pilo erect as well. Ha!
Meg says
Love them all!
Lorraine says
ooooohhhhhh…. this is exciting !!!!
Stephanie says
Thank you JB for taking me on the patrol of Youngs Hill.
Sara L says
I can only try to imagine what might go through Missy’s mind as she stands bipedally and looks out over the vast grassy hill with all that fresh air and mountains in the distance. I would love to believe that she feels a peaceful satisfaction with this existence – her home, with her family and a selection of not-hurtful humans to provide for her needs.
This beautiful post makes me very happy for them. 🙂