Jamie has been really enjoying the slightly cooler fall evenings lately and has stayed out late pretty much every day this week! Staff (especially Katelyn and Elizabeth!) have been walking around the hill during these late evenings so much! Jamie normally heads in as the sun goes down, which this time of year is a quarter til 7 o’clock. However on Thursday night, she stayed out long past the sun went down and didn’t come inside until 7:30! Those walks were lit by just the moonlight. Thursday evening Katelyn got this photo from her phone which captured the moon shining down on Jamie.
Last night Jamie came in before it got really dark, but not before she contently watched the sun go down, while holding her current favorite boots.
Once the sun went behind the hills, she climbed down the platform and carried her boots in with her for the night.
But then she had to steal just one last glance at the sunset.
I agree with Jamie. I love watching sunsets.
That is so sweet!
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry (tears of joy of course!). I love you Jamie, sweet dreams of sunsets always!
Wistfully savoring the sunset with a favorite pair of boots, chimp people, human people, we really are two sides of the same coin!
Jamie’s mind is always going….
So glad she has that choice now
How do all of you get them to come inside when it is time? xoxoxo love you guys!!!
Hi Nicki, most of the chimps come inside after dinner, so we don’t have to coax them in any way. Jamie sometimes just likes to take her time 🙂 When she makes the decision to come in it’s very clear. She doesn’t really like to stay out past dark, though it has happened a couple of times! Everyone else is usually in bed while Jamie is still taking walks.
It’s so heartwarming to see her enjoying every last bit of outdoors she can. Thank you all for the late hours which make this possible!