I think one of the pleasures of sanctuary that brings Jody the most joy is being able to harvest her own plants from Young’s Hill.

Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Elizabeth
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
The 4th from the last with a big eyed open mouth happy face seeming saying “look what I’ve got” is priceless!!!!
Look how happy Jody is!! Fantastic photos Elizabeth. Jody looks so very small amongst all the bamboo on the Hill. The 6 close ups are heartwarming, what a lovely smile and look at that twinkle in her eyes!
Like the post a short while back titled “Missy On The Job” I love seeing soooo many photos on one everyday task. Next best thing to being there.
I agree, she is smiling!
I agree Cindy, I like all of the pictures but that is my favorite.
A beautiful, happy face!
Lovely compilations of photos, great shots Elizabeth,
She is so happy to freely roam the hill and select the finest plants for eating