It’s hard to remember, but the space that we now call the greenhouse used to be the chimpanzees’ only outdoor area.
Karen and Don Young visited in 2009, and we conceived the idea of encasing the caging in removable polycarbonate panels so that the chimpanzees could enjoy this space year round! The Youngs kicked off donations for this project and we raised the rest of the greenhouse funds at our 2009 auction.
Construction began in late 2009 and early 2010 (because what better time to embark on a construction project than winter?!). Those were some cold construction days, as Jim Spencer I’m sure still remembers.
The result for the chimpanzees was so worth it! The greenhouse is their favorite area year round.
When the weather starts to warm up in the spring, J.B. removes some of the panels, leaving the roof, so the chimpanzees enjoy their summer lounging in an indoor-outdoor space.
Then, around this time of year (today, for example), J.B. buttons up the greenhouse for the winter, so the chimpanzees can enjoy the cooler months in the protected area that heats up with the rays of the sun, or, in the case of today, keeps out the rain.
Today, Jamie enjoyed nesting and napping up high on the platform today, where it’s warmest, as it poured and blew outside:
And, of course, she also ventured onto Young’s Hill during breaks in the rain.
As you know, I absolutely love and adore all the chimps. But seeing Jamie so snug in her nesting, napping blankets toady warmed my heart beyond what I can express in words. And knowing it will very soon be Jaime’s birthday made me so pleased to know that this girl is safe, happy and healthy at CSNW for all the days that will follow. That in itself is a wonderful birthday gift.
Thank you Karen and Don Young. I may never meet you face to face but I feel as if I know you just a little bit, and I am grateful for the connection that we share with these 7 amazing creatures. You have done so much for our 7 friends that we all love so deeply. Young’s Hill is Sanctuary. Young’s Hill is Home. Young’s Hill is freedom. Young’s Hill is love. Oh happy day!
I love Jamie…..