Life is made up of the smallest moments strung together like pearls that, when you add them up, become the most beautiful story, more beautiful than you could possibly imagine at the time they are happening. Today is my final day caring for the chimpanzees at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest and all I can say is how extremely grateful I am that I have had the opportunity to be here now. Getting to be a part of the lives of both the chimpanzees and all the people who care so deeply for them has been unbelievably incredible. I do not know what comes next, but I do know that my life has been made fuller for having shared it with Jamie, Jody, Missy, Annie, Negra, Foxie and Burrito. (Not to mention, JB, Diana, Elizabeth, Debbie, Katelyn, Keri, Denice and all the volunteers!) I can only hope that I have helped to bring as much joy into the lives of everyone involved as I have had the privilege to experience.
Today could not have been more perfect. I have had the time to hang out with some truly amazing friends one last time whether grooming Missy, chasing Burrito, walking with Jamie, giving Negra a kiss, or playing with each of the others. It is a gift I will cherish in my heart as I continue on my journey. Here are a few favorite pictures from this year for you to enjoy.
I would like to leave you with this quote from Edward Teller that gets me through my moments of doubt as I keep moving forward. “When you get to the end of all the light you know and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.”
Dear Lisa, Your relationship with the chimps and the other caregivers is something you can cherish the rest of your life. You will be blessed many times over for your caring and kindness. I wish you all the best in the future. May your life be filled with sunshine and flowers!
I am so grateful for the time you take to share the chimps lives with all of us. I know you will fly! Goid luck to you and thank you again for enriching our lives too!
Spread those wings and catch the wind.
I will miss you, I so enjoyed working with you and learning from you theses past years. Please don’t be a stranger, visit often.
I look forward to hearing about your next adventure.
Hugs to you.
You will be missed Lisa!
You’ll always have a home here, Lisa. Please visit often. We’ll miss you!!
Thank you for all your wonderful stories, shared moments, insights, and wisdom. I will miss your writing. Caring for the chimps at CSNW will be a hard act to follow I bet! Fly away.
Good luck and God speed, Lisa. May the paths of you life be as joyful and purposeful as the one you spend at CSNW. You will be forever missed.!
Best of luck to you.
Wherever you go, Lisa, the “7” will go with you in the memories you hold of them. Anyone who care for the “7” deserves “light, flight and something to stand on” Go with all three!
You had an amazing experience with these individuals – surely it will fuel your future. Best of luck to you and many thanks for all that you did for the chimps. You have made worthy contributions and you should let that carry you through to the next stop in your journey.