Even though the chimpanzees enjoyed a fabulous day long celebration last Friday for Foxie’s birthday, they’re not done partying just yet. Life in the sanctuary today was sponsored in honor of supporter Erin Yuhas’ birthday. Erin also donated some fun enrichment items and decorations for today’s affair. Thank you, again, Erin for your generous gift! The chimpanzees seemed to thoroughly enjoy their breakfast forage in the greenhouse this morning.
Jamie was quite content to forage her breakfast:
And to relax in the cool playroom after a successful party:
Annie and Foxie took particular advantage of the chow forage included in breakfast. Here is Annie:
Foxie also continues to enjoy the new troll dolls she has recently received:
Burrito tried to carry as much food as he could all at once:
Missy found one good spot and stuck pretty close to it:
While Jody was a woman about town this morning. She enjoyed the forage from the top of the greenhouse to platforms below and afterwards relaxed with a good book.
Negra, who has just recently started showing an interest in enrichment items, took a definite shine to the donated stuffed monkey in these pictures. She carried it around with her for most of the day, bringing it to meals and napping with it in between.
Awwwww. What a great day!
How exciting for Negra!
Negra is so sweet napping with the stuffed monkey….
What a fun celebration! I enjoyed all the photos, from Smiling Jamie at top down to Dreaming Negra at bottom. But seeing Negra with the stuffed monkey made my day. We all break out of our shells at our own pace. This is so touching to see!
Love you Negra!!
It GIVES ME such COMFORT and JOY to see Negra realizing and enjoying life in such a leisurely manner
with her enrichment items, the same ones others have enjoyed for years,
Oh well , it just took Negra a little longer, to be able to fully express her self with stuffed toys,.
Love you so very much Negra, I love you , I love you , I love you,
It makes me happy to see Negra enjoying the stuffed monkey. Maybe she has decided to forgive us for taking her babies from her.