Our day, and how smoothly things can be expected to go, is often made evident within the first few minutes of greeting the chimpanzees in the morning. Or more specifically, within the first few minutes of greeting Jamie. Like many of us, Jamie isn’t always a morning person. And she has no qualms about letting us know exactly where she stands. Or rather, where we stand. But the chimpanzees (or more specifically Jamie) have been happy and playful all day! The chimp house has been full of laughter, games of chase, wrestle and slap, and all around goofiness.
Of course, we caregivers want to bring out the cameras for such chimpanzee shenanigans. But Jamie has stringent rules about whether or not she will allow the paparazzi around, especially for close-ups. But today her good mood seemed to extend a lot of tolerance to us. She even nodded approvingly while checking out her “selfies.”
“Upside-down-Jamie-on-a-barrel” is always a welcome sight and a sure sign she’s in a particularly playful mood. She spent the majority of the morning like this:
And she was happy to keep taking “selfies.”
What a sweetheart! I love all the chimps and seeing their pictures makes my day!
Jamie is one photogenic lady.
Jamie is an enigma and this is one of the many reasons I love her. The first photo is a great shot of her, what was she thinking? I wish I could sit down with you and listen to you tell stories all about Jamie. (Hummmm, maybe I can if I bid and win that “Backstage Pass to the Sanctuary”! I am going to dream about this item………)
; )