Today we took advantage of the cooler weather and put the chimpanzee’s lunch out on Young’s Hill for them to forage. These forages often consist of pieces of vegetables, fruit and chow and we spread them around the hill for the chimpanzees to find. Sometimes we even put some of the food on top of the treat rock (one of the prominent features of Young’s Hill). Jamie and Burrito are the chimpanzees most likely to be seen climbing on the rock in search of food. But today, Foxie tried her hands (and feet) on the rock after all of the other chimpanzees had gone back inside. This is the first time I have seen Foxie on the treat rock!
Here she is sticking her arm in a hole to grab a few pieces of chow.
Here she is trying to get in better position.
She began traversing across the treat mound in search of more food.
Once she got all of the food pieces, she began to prepare for her dismount from the treat rock.
Finally, safe on the ground, she enjoyed the food she found on her climbing adventure.
I also managed to capture Jody, with her mouth and hands full of red cabbage and brussel sprouts.
she got it! yay! Go Foxie Go Foxie
How fun to see Foxie trying something new. Way to go young lady! You looked like a pro up there. Thanks for sharing Ken.
Oops! I meant to say Keri!!