Chimps fight a lot, and occasionally they get wounded. Serious injuries are treated under the direction of a veterinarian, but we leave the smaller stuff to Missy.

Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by J.B.
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
ah Dr Missy Chimp GP and surgeon it looks like to me.
Awwwwwww…..Missy is kissing Jody’s boo boo!
Is it usually Missy seeing to the others’ boo boos? So very interesting.
They are all interested in grooming each others wounds, but Missy is almost obsessive about it.
Awe.these chimps have such caring and intense friendships, Its so evident as to how much they truly do love one another .. they all are so invested in one another, Its as if they KNOW .. they were spared any further indecency, indignant pain,suffering and deprivation .. instead they were brought to CSNW
Life is good, they know they are live a good a life now, all they’ve endured together is what brings so close now, they truly do love each other and care about one another .