A story appeared recently in the Daily Mail and Good Morning America showing images and video of two young chimpanzees, Vali and Sugriva, going to the theater with their “handlers” and watching the film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The irony is that the two young chimpanzees were exploited for this publicity stunt, and brought into a theater to watch a movie that purposefully avoided using live ape actors… (Read more on Care2)

For more on the training facility Vali and Sugriva live at, visit our trainer page on Eyes on Apes.
Thank you to Care2 for posting our op-ed on this issue! Please share the article with your friends and get the word out that chimpanzees do not belong on either side of the theater screen.
I read about this on Care2, and my heart breaks for all the animals that are being exploited. Every creature on earth is here for a reason, and it is NOT to entertain or amuse people. The cruelest and most dangerous beings on earth–HUMANS!
I was appalled when I saw the 2 baby chimpanzees in the movie theater. It was not cute or funny
my immediate reaction to seeing that was sadness and utter dread for them – knowing that soon enough, when they get a little bit older and stronger – that more manipulation and betrayal lay ahead when they are forced into confinement permanently.. what impact will that have on them, physically, emotionally? they will express frustration, among other things, not understanding why they can’t ride in the car anymore, or have popcorn or do any of the ‘human’ stuff they’re doing now.. it was crushing just looking at them with their sweet beautiful faces and unaware of what will soon be happening to them after they’re used.
great piece Debbie as usual.. thank you.
what the HELL is wrong with people !! ???