Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by Anthony Blasioli! Anthony, thank you so much for your long time support of the chimpanzees and for thinking of them and giving them a special day today!
Here, Anthony’s Pals, Burrito and Annie (with Negra in foreground), hug each other in reassurance on their first day on Young’s Hill. While this is an older photograph, it’s power to speak to the gift of sanctuary never lessens. Almost three years later, Burrito, increasingly courageous, walks the perimeter of Young’s Hill with Jamie. And Annie, increasingly comfortable in solitude, can often be found sitting at the very top of the hill on her own, enjoying spring grass (when she’s not chasing her best friend, Missy, of course). We are so grateful to Anthony, and everyone who makes sanctuary possible for the chimpanzees.
Jeremy V says
Bro hug, Anthony.