Two, tiny baby trolls arrived for Ms. Foxie Chimpanzee in the mail today, thanks to supporter Stephanie H.!
When Elizabeth and I showed them to Foxie her eyes got big, her hair was pilo-erect (standing on end because she was so excited!) and she just stared at them, mesmerized. As soon as I handed them to her, she gazed incredulously at them, rubbed them against her belly, and then passed them back to me to play “pass the troll” for several minutes. Foxie’s hair remained pilo for the entire game, she jumped up and down, spun pirouettes, and had me chase her with them all through the chimp house. Needless to say, she adores them.
I missed the photo of this, but might I also add, the tiny babies are apparently just the right size to set inside one’s bellybutton (if you happen to be Foxie, that is). Stephanie also sent a wooden cookware set and wooden tool puzzle which Jamie was very excited to see. Thanks for brightening the chimpanzees’ day, Stephanie!!
And in other happenings at the chimp house today, you’ll be happy to know that thanks to the quickly melting snow, Jamie was finally able to walk all the way around Young’s Hill again with a caregiver! At one point she stopped for a few minutes and surveyed the hill and surrounding mountains. Then she turned and ran all the way down the hill. Spring is coming!