It’s a warm, quiet afternoon in sanctuary and the chimpanzees are spending time each according to her(or his) nature. Jamie and I took some new footwear for a walk around Young’s Hill after lunch. Missy accompanied us for part of the way and then we all returned to the greenhouse to escape the heat. The greenhouse appears to be the place to hang out on a hot summer afternoon!
Providing options for individual choice is one of the many perks of working at the sanctuary and it makes me proud to be able to share quality time with each chimpanzee in the manner that most appeals to them.
Here is Jamie, ready to groom the now traveled boot.
Missy, enjoying the relative cool of the greenhouse after the eastern Washington summer sun.
Annie stayed put in the greenhouse. Here she is gazing in the direction of the helicopter overhead.
Ivy M. Yardley says
Doesn’t it get hot and stuffy in the playroom and the greenhouse? Is there ventilation in the rooms?
Diana says
The inside of the building stays fairly cool due to the concrete form construction. And the temperature usually drops at night, so, if we know it’s going to be really hot the next day, we’ll leave the windows open overnight and close them in the morning, keeping the cool air inside. When doors and windows are not open, we have a ventilation system on, so the air circulates and it’s never really stuffy. In the greenhouse, we remove the lexan panels in the summer so the air goes right through.
Ivy M. Yardley says
Thank you for your reply Diana.