Many of us are aware of how much we have in common with chimpanzees. But even as caregivers who get to spend our days with the chimpanzees, we often do a double take when we see them exhibiting behaviors or postures we see as particularly human. It has been a hot and easy going day at the sanctuary today and the chimpanzees have spent most of their time lounging in various positions in the greenhouse. Diana caught Annie looking as though she wished she had a pool to dip her toes into.

Cute. Is that Negra looking out the window? Have not seen or heard about her lately.
Hi Ivy,
Yes, that is Negra to the left of the photo and Jody lying down behind Annie. Shortly before this photo was taken Negra was lying on the platform enjoying some wild mustard that Jody had brought in from Young’s Hill. Negra was surprisingly playful and engaging with her caregivers yesterday but we couldn’t get any good photos!
I love how she is holding her “thumb” with her other foot. I would do the same if I had opposable big toes.
I love how she holds her “thumb” toe with her other hand.
Thank you for the great pictures of my Pal Annie!! 😀