Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest is featured on the front page of the New York Times this morning as part of an article about the changing views of using chimpanzees in biomedical research. NYT journalist, James Gorman, has been reporting on this issue for several years and we are so grateful that he has shared the stories of the chimpanzees with the public. Today’s article highlights Jody from CSNW and the online version of the article includes a video about the sanctuary and an interview with Executive Director, Jennifer Whitaker.
We are thrilled to be on the brink of historical change for captive chimpanzees in the United States. With your help, we will continue to fight for all apes in need. Please donate today in honor Jody!
They couldn’t have picked a better cover girl than Jody. All of the chimps though are excellent examples of how their personality is just as complex as humans.