We’ve discovered that the chimps really like watching us play with iPads and iPhones, especially with the app “Photobooth”, where they can see themselves. So we had a thought that it would be fun to have a used one specifically for the chimps. This is not a new idea- there is a program called Apps for Apes, but the focus is specifically on orangutans. But we are sure Jamie would be super pleased to have her own! So, if you have an iPad and/or an iPhone and you are planning to upgrade to a new one, please send us your old one! J.B. is planning to make a secure, chimp-proof box for it so we can safely let the chimpanzees touch the screen through the caging. In addition, we could also use the iPad at tabling events so people could check out our website and the blog. We are fairly certain we could find a lot of uses for an iPad, but the chimps would get top priority, of course!
If you don’t have an iPad, you can help us out by donating protein powder for the chimps’ morning smoothie. Here’s a link to buy it directly from our Amazon Wishlist.
Nothing is Chimp proof, only Chimp resistant.
I don’t have any ipads to offer but at my school, the librarian has equipped our ipads with a case that is practically bullet proof. It’s surrounded by a rubber casing and has a screen cover. You can still operate the touch pad. It’s pretty much distruction proof. I think they’re used in combat zones.
This is the plan, Nancy! We plan on ordering something like that, plus making a special case of our own so that it will not fit under the caging (in the event it gets dropped by the caregiver). 🙂
Great Idea. I don’t have anything now that I am ready to upgrade. This might be an interesting area to ask apple about for potential donations from those that employees upgrade every couple years.
Great idea, Libby!
Just wanted to point out that Apple isn’t the only manufacturer of tablets. E.g. a Nexus 7 has a very bright screen and costs (new) only $199.
I would love to see videos of the chimps using technology! I can imagine how much fun they would have (as I’ve been enjoying playing with my new i-phone these last few weeks.)
What kinds of programs would you put on there for the chimp’s enrichment?
I suspect Jamie will like drawing, and maybe interactive touch games. And I bet Foxie would love a Dora game!