This morning we put a bunch of barrels together and made a blanket fort, with all the toys inside of the fort. Not surprisingly, Jamie was interested in checking things out.
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Debbie
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
Do you think Jamie might suspect that the barrels contain invaders? Is she protecting her group?
Yes — I was going to ask why you think Jamie usually displays with the barrels? What is it about them that sets her off?
Amy, see my reply to Candy’s post below 🙂
I think Jamie likes the barrels because of the noise they make and they bounce pretty well. I imagine it threw her off just a bit that her noise makers were doing something else. Does Miss J usually display everyday? Which is the least displaying chimp?
You are right Candy, the barrels or other things Jamie decides to display with are great noise makers when she either throws them or drums on them. She will also rock the item back and forth on the floor to make noise. I can’t say wether or not Jamie displays every day but she has displayed everyday I have been up at the sanctuary.
I don’t think I have ever seen Negra display. She is more likely to either try to diffuse the display or just ignore the display the best she can. Negra gets upset sometimes with her caregivers when we don’t get her peanuts to her in a timely manner and she will throw dirt if it’s around.
I agree, I think she likes the noise the barrel makes 🙂 We actually just added more – there used to be just one and we thought they’d enjoy a couple more additions. Jamie also likes to use the barrel as a seat and I’ve seen Foxie and Jamie have a lot of fun playing with the barrel, too. It’s great enrichment.
I would say that Jamie does display everyday. Being the most dominant, this makes sense. She has to assert herself. Burrito also displays everyday, most likely because he’s a male and males just gotta display! Sometimes someone will display and no one will really react, and other times when one person starts a display, someone may join in. A display is when three or more threat/high arousal behaviors are combined. So when Jamie starts banging on the barrel, that’s one behavior. Then in addition to her hair standing up, her upright posture, and her pant hooting, we know she is full-on displaying. Sometimes some of the other chimps will show one or two behaviors during someone else’s display—usually swaggering and pant hooting. So you could say that they “chime in” but they aren’t necessarily getting too involved. This is actually pretty common in the mornings. However I agree with Denice, I think Negra displays the least out of the group. She generally stays out of things but will add in a loud pant hoot toward the end of a display or conflict.
Debbie — Thanks so much! I had no idea a display is actually three behaviors combined.
That was a great video. Don’t think I’ve ever seen Jamie display.
How long (time-wise) did it take to dismantle the entire fort?
Not long—after about 20 minutes Jamie seemed to lose interest and focused on the individual enrichment items rather than the fort as a whole 🙂 But it was really fun while it lasted!
I love it!! What a fun diversion for her and it certainly got a reaction out of her. Thanks, Debbie.
I love the fort! How clever and creative to do this for the chimps. (I used to make them with blankets over chairs when I was a kid.) Thanks, Debbie and Denice, for the explanations. I don’t think I’ve seen Jamie display before either. I wasn’t sure if she was anxious or excited over the upright barrels covered with blankets but based on her familiarity with barrels as an enrichment I guess her display was more excitement.
Or was she asking for more pumpkin seeds? 😉
What can I say, Jamie is Jamie, she is the SUPER STAR amongst the pack there. Could you even imagine giving her an entire Drum Kit, I bet Jamie would be playing them in rythem too,
Where were all the other chimps, she certianly knew that with her own force alone , there would be an incredible bang, too bad the bat toy she was using sort of got cought and hit the cieling, otherwise her power alone was strong, I like how she would her arm like one would in baseball,, Jamie is an incredible, gal, I would hate to think what she is capable of if she is NOT enriched to the depths that you all create for her,
You caregivers come up with some VERY innovative ideas and designs and methods to keep Jamie occupied,, even with the meals , I note they too are VERY interesting and you all work very hard to NOt repeat anything, we certainly dont want any bored chimps CSNW..
Looks to me like Jamie likes to display with the drums,, its DOES re assert her position in the group. I also love her psoture when she is reving and winding up to beat her drum, its nearly more masculine of her as she bops side to side, as if to say, SEE , Im strong, Im top chimp, here,
sh ecertainly has it down to a science in letting her group know WHO she is,, who in thier right mind would try to out do Jamie.. Jamie certainly is a character then agin they all are and I love them all, each and every one for thier own very uniqueness, They are all adorable.
well Jamie gave them drums what for ! fancy them thinking a few blankets would keep them safe ! brilliant clip and great info thank you x
OMG! I love that Negra throws dirt! that’s so hilarious – what a sweet girlie!