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sleeping beauty .. nice thick shiny hair in second photo … these photos make me both sad & happy .. I wish she knew how many people love her and root for her.. what a lovely
“sad and happy” is how I always feel looking at the CE7 images and videos, too. Sad, for the thought of all they’ve lost in their lives (and will never recover); happy, that they are no longer alone or used at the whim of “scientific progress.”
People ask me “oh, it’s so heartbreaking” how can you work with these animals and not cry all the time. Well, truth is I do my share of crying over what has been done to these individuals but I remind myself there is NOTHING I can do about their past but I can sure do something about their present and their future now they are in sanctuary. No one of us can do it all but if we all do a little something it works.
Negra may look sad in these pictures because we as humans relate the bottom lip droop as sad or pouting but in chimp culture that droop lip means she is very relaxed and I think very happy. She is just “cat napping” in the sun. You have to admit she looks pretty comfortable with her blanket and her head resting on her arms.
Sweet dreams Negra ………… sweet dreams.
Negra looks good in red…
I think Negra looks sweet, sleeping away with her blankie out in the sun. Content, relaxed, secure, satisfied, doing exactly what feels good to her. 🙂 Thanks, JB!
exactly.. there is nothing anybody can do about their past, but if we can all chip-in, no matter how small the gesture or how far away you may be from WA we can only better their present and future and there is a whole lotta comfort in just that alone. I’d feel more like I was contributing more if I was able to volunteer instead of only donating cash.. y’know what I mean? that’s a really good feeling to help physically … also, no matter how exceptionally well they are taken care of and how healthy, happy and active they’ve become, as one of the experts said(I think it was Diana): “I’m still the gatekeeper”
still, lots to be happy about
yeah hcm, then I’d add: “un-scientific progress that’s hindering and delaying real progress while humans and non-humans suffer and die”
Negra is doing just what she wants to do. That warms my heart. She looks relaxed and content to sit in the sun and snooze. Enjoy your sunbathing sweet girl.
What wonderful photos…. Negra is so beautiful.
debbie metzlersays
aw neggie! she looks so comfy 🙂
Julie Hardingsays
Awwww….beautiful, beautiful Negra. I proudly wear her bracelet that Cindy Marks has made for her. I also have her beautiful inked image on my wall (Colin, I haven’t forgotten about sending you a picture!) I love Negra.
oops, sorry Diana for misquoting you.. and we all know that you and all the CSNW team are way way more to the gang than just gatekeepers (you are their friends & loving caregivers providing them with exceptional care everyday in every way!) .. I could’ve sworn I remembered someone saying something along those lines and at the end of the day it rings true, of course, at no fault of the sanctuary.. the best I could find, referring to what I meant, was this thoughtful profound post 7/31/08 in italics:
hcm, I realize now that’s what you probably meant already, doh! sorry!
I gotta lay off the afternoon caffeine
Ahhh, the lady in red. I think Negra looks peaceful and serene. She remembers the horror that she came from but I believe she is basking in her new life. She’s just taking it all in and enjoying the freedom now.
chimp palsays
The Lady in Red would make a terrific Next year Calendar picture.
Debbie from Bostonsays
These pictures made my day. What a beautiful Lady she is.
Dee – you have a good memory! As I expressed in that post you linked to, even aside from the horror they went through as biomedical test subjects, just the fact that they are captive is sad, and we are indeed the “gate-keepers” of their captive lives.
I have been truly amazed by the outpouring of support shown by all of the Cle Elum Seven fans and friends over the last two years. Our expectations are high, and the sanctuary supporters have continually exceeded them! You have made their lives immensely better by allowing us to provide them with great care, and we will continue to improve and expand their lives and experiences. It’s still captivity, but we will make sure their lives are rich and fulfilling. Thank you!
dee says
sleeping beauty .. nice thick shiny hair in second photo … these photos make me both sad & happy .. I wish she knew how many people love her and root for her.. what a lovely
Gabby Loffer says
What a cutie!
Margaret and Karen says
There is noone like our Negra.
hcm says
“sad and happy” is how I always feel looking at the CE7 images and videos, too. Sad, for the thought of all they’ve lost in their lives (and will never recover); happy, that they are no longer alone or used at the whim of “scientific progress.”
Denice says
People ask me “oh, it’s so heartbreaking” how can you work with these animals and not cry all the time. Well, truth is I do my share of crying over what has been done to these individuals but I remind myself there is NOTHING I can do about their past but I can sure do something about their present and their future now they are in sanctuary. No one of us can do it all but if we all do a little something it works.
Negra may look sad in these pictures because we as humans relate the bottom lip droop as sad or pouting but in chimp culture that droop lip means she is very relaxed and I think very happy. She is just “cat napping” in the sun. You have to admit she looks pretty comfortable with her blanket and her head resting on her arms.
Sweet dreams Negra ………… sweet dreams.
Debbie says
Negra looks good in red…
Anna says
I think Negra looks sweet, sleeping away with her blankie out in the sun. Content, relaxed, secure, satisfied, doing exactly what feels good to her. 🙂 Thanks, JB!
dee says
exactly.. there is nothing anybody can do about their past, but if we can all chip-in, no matter how small the gesture or how far away you may be from WA we can only better their present and future and there is a whole lotta comfort in just that alone. I’d feel more like I was contributing more if I was able to volunteer instead of only donating cash.. y’know what I mean? that’s a really good feeling to help physically … also, no matter how exceptionally well they are taken care of and how healthy, happy and active they’ve become, as one of the experts said(I think it was Diana): “I’m still the gatekeeper”
still, lots to be happy about
yeah hcm, then I’d add: “un-scientific progress that’s hindering and delaying real progress while humans and non-humans suffer and die”
Theresa says
Negra is doing just what she wants to do. That warms my heart. She looks relaxed and content to sit in the sun and snooze. Enjoy your sunbathing sweet girl.
Gayle says
What wonderful photos…. Negra is so beautiful.
debbie metzler says
aw neggie! she looks so comfy 🙂
Julie Harding says
Awwww….beautiful, beautiful Negra. I proudly wear her bracelet that Cindy Marks has made for her. I also have her beautiful inked image on my wall (Colin, I haven’t forgotten about sending you a picture!) I love Negra.
dee says
oops, sorry Diana for misquoting you.. and we all know that you and all the CSNW team are way way more to the gang than just gatekeepers (you are their friends & loving caregivers providing them with exceptional care everyday in every way!) .. I could’ve sworn I remembered someone saying something along those lines and at the end of the day it rings true, of course, at no fault of the sanctuary.. the best I could find, referring to what I meant, was this thoughtful profound post 7/31/08 in italics:
hcm, I realize now that’s what you probably meant already, doh! sorry!
I gotta lay off the afternoon caffeine
Fran says
Ahhh, the lady in red. I think Negra looks peaceful and serene. She remembers the horror that she came from but I believe she is basking in her new life. She’s just taking it all in and enjoying the freedom now.
chimp pal says
The Lady in Red would make a terrific Next year Calendar picture.
Debbie from Boston says
These pictures made my day. What a beautiful Lady she is.
Diana says
Dee – you have a good memory! As I expressed in that post you linked to, even aside from the horror they went through as biomedical test subjects, just the fact that they are captive is sad, and we are indeed the “gate-keepers” of their captive lives.
I have been truly amazed by the outpouring of support shown by all of the Cle Elum Seven fans and friends over the last two years. Our expectations are high, and the sanctuary supporters have continually exceeded them! You have made their lives immensely better by allowing us to provide them with great care, and we will continue to improve and expand their lives and experiences. It’s still captivity, but we will make sure their lives are rich and fulfilling. Thank you!