The other day, we received a donation from Diane and Syd Marcus for the chimps, complete with pasta, sweet pea and carrot chips, nuts and dried fruit. Also included was a smaller box that had a troll necklace in it for Foxie (2 trolls tied to mardi gras beads). I took it out for Foxie to see and told her to meet me outside so I could throw it on top for her. When I got outside, Foxie was coming out, as was Jamie. I threw it on top of the enclosure as Foxie climbed up to the top of the wooden platform. Foxie was just about to grab it when Jamie came over and beat her to it. Foxie quickly backed away, letting Jamie take it, but made a whimper face and began to “hoo”. Jamie proudly climbed to the cargo net hammock, draped it over the side and laid down beside it. Foxie, still whimpering, slowly began to climb closer hoping to take her trolls back, but was visibly concerned about taking them from Jamie. Jamie then looks up in response to all the whimpering and handed the troll necklace to Foxie, letting her know it was ok for her to take it back. I unfortunately didn’t have the camera on me at the time, but got some pictures of Foxie with her necklace later that day. She LOVED the necklace and carried it around all day. Thanks so much to Diane and Syd for such a wonderful “Foxie-licious” present!
Candace says
I guess Jamie was just reminding Foxie who’s alpha but a benevolent alpha she is.
Margaret and Karen says
Isn’t this SO interesting—to us at least, they know what it is all about!
Theresa says
What a sweet gesture from Jamie. Another example of how so much like us they are. No one can dispute this action as non emotional!
Sara Lissabet says
A win win situation for both of them! Yea Jamie!