Today in Florida, a memorial service will be held for Dr. Carole Noon. Carole was an amazing soul and I can’t even begin to think of how the world would be for captive chimps right now if not for her. She made a difference! You can watch the memorial service live at 5pm ET here. Event ID: 954-775, Password: cnoon (lowercase).
Here’s the blog entry I wrote just after she died. And here’s a touching tribute from Jane Goodall. After suing the Air Force (who does that!?) and succeeding at rescuing 21 chimps, she turned her sights to the notorious Coulston Foundation, where many of the Cle Elum Seven’s sons and daughters were suffering in horrible conditions. Most or all of the Cle Elum Seven spent time at Coulston before they came to CSNW. Carole succeeded at putting Coulston out of business and rescued hundreds of chimps from a miserable situation. She was an inspiration and I hope you’ll honor her memory and her work today.
Roslyn in Montreal says
The event number 954775 did not work when I tried it, but 954-775 (with the hyphen) does work. The password is still cnoon
Roslyn in Montreal says
076-452 also works (as the event number) with the password cnoon
Roslyn in Montreal says
I see that you fixed the event number in the blog post to include the hyphen (954-775)
Thank you!
(And 076-452 is not working anymore)
Renee Salomone says
I’m sad…….. Carole became a freind, a dr, a founder ………….