People sometimes ask how we interact with the chimpanzees through the fencing. While there are plenty of things to do that don’t involve any physical contact at all (chase!), there are safe methods of physical contact that allow us to tickle or groom — or be tickled or groomed by — the chimps. To make sure everyone stays safe, our fingers never penetrate the plane of the fencing. In this video, Jackie, our newest caregiver, uses a decapitated troll head (!!!) and a piece of bark to groom and tickle Foxie.
Cindy says
Not only cats have 9 lives! At CSNW trolls make it thru many reincarnations! Who knew!!!
Gayle says
I want Jackie’s job!!!!!!!!! Nothing like a massage with a decapitated head!! I see Foxie placed it in her hip pocket – I wonder where it’s going to show up next?? Has she ever tried to place the head back on the doll?
Jeani Goodrich says
I agree with Gayle!!!What a wonderful part of the job. Trolls are definitely the mascots of the CSNW. Gayle, Thanks for noticing about Foxie putting it in her hip pocket. After reading your blog I went back and watched it again just to see that.
Thanks Elizabeth and Jackie for the great video.
Theresa says
Great video! Foxie sure is enjoying the attention. May “Trollmania” forever rule at CSNW!
Sara Lissabet says
Ah, smart girl – gets a back scratch when she can.