A lifetime ago – ahem – I mean, right before the chimps arrived, we held a dedication ceremony at the chimphouse . At the event, I talked about how our donors were about to make a real difference in the lives of the Buckshire Seven (as we called them then). I remember saying something like: “Without you (our donors), I wouldn’t have met our new friend Negra last December. I stood in the hallway of the dungeon she lives in and watched as she carefully tried to weave a nest for herself out of scraps of newspaper. When she’s here next week, sitting up on that loft, lounging in the best nest she’s ever made, with as many blankets as she can carry, that will be because of you.”
I’m not sure who made this nest (which had 20 blankets and a troll), but it certainly does seem to represent the difference I was talking about! Thanks to you!