Tomorrow, June 10th, is the 5th annual Animal Sanctuary Caregiver Day.
It’s nice that there’s a day set aside to consider this very niche profession. Many caregivers spend their days in somewhat obscurity doing the very emotionally and physically difficult work of caring for captive non-human animals.
Here at CSNW, the caregivers are somewhat more public-facing because all of the caregivers on staff contribute to this very blog, which, to be fair, is an additional duty on top of everything else they do at the sanctuary, but it is also a way that they can share their work and their unique perspectives.
We try to recognize volunteer caregivers here on the blog too, because they are also very important in providing a good life for the chimpanzees and bovines at the sanctuary; plus they improve the lives of the humans too!
For this year’s Animal Sanctuary Caregiver’s Day, I invite you, our dedicated supporters, to submit in the comments of this post what the caregivers at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest mean to you. I know that your words carry a lot of weight for everyone here, and I would love to be able to give all of the caregivers a morale boost after a challenging (though rewarding!) several months.
I personally will be forever grateful for our staff who give their hearts, their time, their expertise, their careful consideration, and their passion to provide the sixteen chimpanzees and four cattle at the sanctuary the individualized care that they so deserve. I continue to be impressed by everyone who works and volunteers here.
Now you go 😉
Judy says
I look forward every day with great anticipation to my quiet time with CSNW.. reading the blog, looking at the pics and videos and “seeing” from each caregivers’ unique perspective what the day hath wrought in the lives of all at CSNW. Without this more-than-special time each day my life would be missing something huge. Based on my infinitesimal exposure to the caregivers I can only imagine how much each non-human at CSNW anticipates and eagerly looks forward to the interaction and support of each and every one of the humans in their lives. I, and they, are beyond grateful for all of you.
Cindy Marks says
I’ve waited all day for the right words to express the continued amazment I’ve had for over a decade of being associated with some of the most amazing primates, human and chimp, that one could hope to know. All those years ago I met a group of thankfully rescued chimps and their dedicated caregivers, both learing from each other about how to create their lives together. Over time all the sanctuary beings have blossomed and grown benefitting from mutual love, trust and care. None of this would have been possible without the dedication of the amazing care givers. Thru threatening fire, rattlesnakes, heat, cold, snow and wind all the humans put the needs of their chimp family first inspiring us all to believe that love really just might be able to conquer all….In a time when love sometimes feels in short supply it is in abundance at the sanctuary inspiring us all. Thank you for all you do every single day!
Laura B says
Obvious to this observer is that all of the caregivers at CSNW respect, love, and value each of the folks in your care and you’ve been wonderful to show how unique and amazing each one is. Thank you.
Marya says
I am so glad there is a “care givers day” of acknowledgement and I apologize for being tardy with my comments. With each day’s blog posting and story about the work of the staff, their care of, respect for, and open-heartedness towards all the beings at the sanctuary, I’m increasingly impressed with the depth of heart and soul it takes to do the day-to-day work. And when I’ve read the bio of each person’s professional history on the website I’m always impressed with the academic time, effort and perseverance it has taken for each of them to develop their expertise in truly being present with the chimps (and bovines), aside from the daily tasks like cleaning and chopping veggies and coming up with new stimulating experiences. Such a highly trained group with intellects as big as their hearts! All of that effort and presence clearly comes from love, which is also true of this entire community of souls invested in caring not only for the chimps but also about them. Deep gratitude for the work you do as caregivers!! Of course, that also includes your willingness to have poop thrown on you by one Boss-lady chimp who is certain she is in charge of Everything!!
Paulette says
after reading your Invitation to “share your thoughts,” I wanted to process and really think on it so that I could convey, somehow someway, the depth of my gratitude. Then suddenly, without notice, I had houseguests! Now I return to read all of these wonderfully kind and thoughtful posts from others who have captured my own thoughts and emotions perfectly. so “All of the Above” and more. Just as a mother would want the very best nanny for their precious child, I too want my precious chimps to have the very best. Clearly they do, in each and every one of you.
Paulette says
As I’m catching up on the blog and comments, in the “Jane’s birthday” greetings, Tobin writes, “our very own Negra Jane Chimpanzee is younger now than she was fourteen years ago when she and her troop were delivered into sanctuary.”. THAT is testament to the physical and emotional care provided by you, the “care” “givers”
Debbie Reintzell says
As I read all the above comments, hoping for the magical words to come to mind for how much I love CSNW’s mission, I am overcome with tears of joy. The time, love and compassion shared by you caregivers is priceless. I’m jealous, enviously, elated but mostly so so grateful these beautiful souls are receiving the care they deserve ? Thank You
Deb Reintzell says
There should not be a question mark on my last comment:rolling_eyes:
Diane Kastel says
I marvel at the, daily, commitment and dedication that all of the caregivers provide to the chimpanzees and bovines. It takes, not only, physical, strength, such as running with them, but, organizational, skills, patience, and creativity! Each of your caregivers has an, obvious, emotional, connection to the residents, and, each goes out of her/his way to give these animals the, richest, life possible in captivity. I, especially, enjoy their colorful, and, insightful, blogs which make all of their interactions “up close and personal”!