We have two special sponsorships for this day of sanctuary which begins with Sharon Langone, who sponsored today with so much to celebrate! Sharon shared this message:
“I’d like to sponsor this day to celebrate both my husband Matt’s birthday and our ten year wedding anniversary! We love to read the blog and see what is going on at the sanctuary each day! We’re also looking forward to visiting the sanctuary in the summer and seeing more of the great work you all do!”
Sharon, how wonderful of you to include the chimpanzees in your day of celebration, love and family! Congratulations to you and Matt on your anniversary! And Matt, we hope this is the best birthday yet! Many thanks to you both for bringing that celebration and love to the chimps’ family and we’re looking forward to your visit this summer!
Love comes in many forms here at the sanctuary. Thank you for helping to ensure there’s a never ending stream coming into the chimps’ lives. All of us here wish you the happiest of days!
An oldie, but goodie of Foxie: