Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by the chimpanzees’ wonderful friends, Tracy Headley and Bruce Clifton, in honor of Tracy’s aunt, Ardith Porter, on her birthday. Tracy and Bruce do so much to help ensure that the chimpanzees live the best lives possible here in their sanctuary home and are a very special part of our family. Tracy shared this sweet message about today:
“Bruce and I are sponsoring today in honor of my aunt Ardy. She said the only present she wanted from us was a donation to the chimps.”
Tracy and Bruce, thank you so much for always holding the chimps in your minds and hearts and for including them in your family celebration. We are so grateful to have you in the world!
And Ardy, thank you so much for sharing your special day with the chimpanzees! We wish you the happiest of days full of love and joy. Happy Birthday pant-hoots from all of us here at CSNW!
Jody is the best at knowing how to enjoy every moment: